The addition of these constituents has shown to increase the exchangeable sodium percentage of the irrigated soils , thereby affecting soil structural stability.The effects and mechanisms of salinity and sodicity on plants and soils have been extensively investigated between the 1960s and1980s ; see also Sections 2 and 12.Unique to irrigation with TE is the combination of organic matter , particularly dissolved organic content , with high concentrations of sodium.Clay dispersion was found in many studies to be enhanced in the presence of DOC.They concluded that, when irrigating with water of a given salinity, ESP was augmented in soils with lower OM content because the exchange selectivity for Na+ in soils decreases as their OM content increases.However, it was shown that OM can be either a bonding or a dispersing agent, depending on the level of the ESP, the particular chemical properties of the OM constituents, and the degree of mechanical disturbance of the soil.In particular, dissolved OM was found to disperse soil clay particles in the presence of anionic constituents, high ESP, and mechanically disturbed soil , conditions that are typical following irrigation with TE.Tarchitzky et al.showed that the hydraulic conductivity of a soil leached with TE decreased sharply relative to the small decrease observed when the soil was leached with a similarly composed electrolyte solution, but lacking the DOC.This result was explained by the interaction of anionic OM with positively charged edge surfaces of 2:1 clay mineral particles, preventing the edge-to-face association of the particles involved in flocculation.Therefore, the organic fraction from TE,stacking flower pot tower particularly the dissolved fraction, is not always beneficial in regards to sodicity and soil structural stability.Such complexity of the relationships between OM and soil permeability properties were reviewed by Churchman et al..
Additionally, the amplitude of the impact on the water retention and the hydraulic conductivity functions was different at each depth, suggesting that long-term use of TE for irrigation will differentially affect zones in the soil profile, depending on soil properties, water quality, irrigation management, plant uptake, and climatic conditions.The changes in soil properties echo the fluxes of the main flow processes in the soil, and consequently, affect water and nutrient availability to plants.Sufficient concentrations of root zone oxygen are crucial for healthy plant behavior.Assouline and Narkis demonstrated that the changes in the hydraulic properties of TE-irrigated soil impact not only the soil water regime but also root zone aeration.Irrigation with TE additionally affects soil microbial activityand composition of the bacterial community.Soil aeration and oxygen diffusion rates are likely reduced because of increased input of organic substrates and concurrent changes in water retention properties associated with TE irrigation.The short duration of most funded research projects limits our knowledge with respect to long-term impacts of irrigation with TE.Most studies report no significant statistical differences between TE and local fresh water irrigation in terms of crop yields, with the exception of specific ion toxicity issues, for example as a result of high boron concentrations.Recent long-term studies in Israel have shown systematic decreases in yields of orchards planted on clayey soils drip-irrigated with TE.Following more than 10 years of consecutive TE irrigation, avocado and citrus yields dropped approximately 20–30% in comparison with yields resulting from irrigation with local FW.Mechanisms explaining the loss of productivity under TE irrigation are yet unknown and likely involve multi-faceted interactions between chemical, physical and biological soil characteristics affecting plant function.One way to promote the success of utilizing water resources of marginal quality is to adopt irrigation methods appropriate to local soil and climate conditions and to develop appropriate site-specific irrigation methods and fertigation management protocols.
Pressurized irrigation methods, and especially drip irrigation, currently globally under-utilized, are more efficient than traditional surface irrigation and can minimize environmental impacts and health risks.These advantages come at a cost in terms of infrastructure, knowledge, maintenance and potential vulnerability to crop failure or soil degradation.In contrast with the large body of knowledge related to the performance of irrigation methods with respect to efficiency and crop response, very little is known about the long-term effects of different irrigation methods using marginal water on soil health and ecological function.Evidence suggests that the extrapolation of knowledge gained from FW irrigation with the various methods to their long-term performance with marginal water is unreliable and that specific monitoring of below ground soil ecological and hydrologic responses for cases of TE irrigation are needed.Increasing utilization of TE from sources including municipal, industrial, mining, and irrigation drainage waters dictates a need to consider the multiple effects of various ions and DOC on chemical speciation in the soil solution and exchanger phase as a function of irrigation water composition, water movement and solute transport through the soil profile, and crop water uptake.Moreover, models need to address physical transport processes as well as geochemistry.Beyond this, the impacts of TE, which is typically high in Na, K, Mg and DOC, on infiltration and hydraulic conductivity of the soil must be understood and quantified.Current knowledge regarding water quality—soil characteristic relationships is mostly limited to chemical sodicity and salinity factors and largely uncertain relating to other parameters.Evaluation of the impacts of pH, SOM, texture, clay mineralogy, tillage, and irrigation methods, for example, depends for now on field experience.Refinement and further development of current approaches to understanding and managing TE irrigation water, including these additional factors, are therefore important challenges and opportunities.Along with the expansion of TE, large scale desalination of sea and brackish water is rapidly becoming feasible as desalination techniques advance and its costs are continuously and substantially reduced.
Desalinated water is becoming a competitive source for irrigation, especially for high-value, salt-sensitive cash crops.A study on banana irrigation demonstrated that application of DS water can result in a yield increase of approximately 20% for the same amount of allocated FW water or to a significant reduction of about 30% of the irrigation amount if the goal is to achieve a prescribed commercial yield.However, it has been shown also that there is a need to adapt special fertilization protocols to this mineral-free water.Desalination has obvious positive impacts on water resources and the environments including augmentation of availability of good quality water and increased quality of TE following its municipal use and recycling.But it also presents several negative impacts for the environment, mainly: brine disposal from desalination process, chemical additives used for antifouling and anticorrosivity; and high consumption of energy that may increase emission of greenhouse gases.Soil salinization is practically inevitable when low quality water is used for irrigation in dry areas.That said, the actual impact is dependent on the irrigation method, the vertical and spatial distribution of soil properties, topography, cultural practices, weather, and regional hydrological conditions.Techniques for improving the quality of available irrigation water by mixing water sources of different qualities have been considered and could be adapted to the irrigation method.The appropriate mixing ratio becomes an operational state variable depending on the specific soil properties, climate conditions, and crop characteristics of the system under interest.The projected intensification of irrigated agriculture in areas utilizing marginal quality water will undoubtedly affect pre-existing fragile environments and threaten the overall sustainability and functionality of these agro-ecosystems.The future challenge is to devise strategies that increase food production while simultaneously preserving soil ecological functionality, minimizing human health risks, and promoting sustainable use of our land and water resources for agricultural use.Some of the most critical knowledge gaps,ebb and flow that must be addressed for sustainable and environmentally-responsible intensive agriculture utilizing low or marginal quality irrigation water are:risks to public health, for example by antibiotic resistance induced by wastewater use, or to the long-term ecological functioning of the soil system;interactions between marginal quality water with biological and ecological components; andimpacts of future conditions such as climate extremes on agroecosystem sustainability.Climate change is likely to accelerate soil salinization, specifically because of the increased crop water requirements by elevated temperatures, through sea level rise and additionally driven by further limiting freshwater availability for irrigation.It was suggested by Szabolicsthat climatic changes can double the areal extent of saline soils.The global impact of the changing climate on land degradation was recently recognized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in their report on Climate Change and Land , analyzing interactions and feedbacks between climate, land degradation and food security.The most important direct impacts of climate change on land degradation are the results of increasing temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and intensification of rainfall.
Changes in evapotranspiration and rainfall regimes exacerbate soil salinization, in addition to the intrusion of sea water into coastal areas, both because of sea level rise and land subsidence by groundwater overdraft.Many important indirect linkages between land degradation and climate change occur by way of agriculture.Yield reduction by soil degradationmay trigger cropland expansion elsewhere, either into natural ecosystems, marginal arable lands or by intensification, with possible consequences for increasing land degradation.In addition, precipitation and temperature changes will trigger changes in land and crop management, such as changes in planting and harvest dates, type of crops, and type of cultivars.As pointed out earlier , much research has been done to understand how plants are affected by a particular stressor, for example, drought, salinity, heat, or waterlogging, but research on how plants are affected by several stressors simultaneously is limited.It is the latter which is more realistic within the context of climate change.Climate change is causing sea levels to rise worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions.Assessing the extent of salinization due to sea water intrusion at a global scale has remained challenging.Seawater intrusion in coastal areas is generally caused by increased tidal activity , increased groundwater extraction or land-use change, causing contamination of nearby freshwater aquifers.The Indus delta in Pakistan , the San Joaquin Valleyin California and coastal countries around the North Sea are clear examples of increased soil salinization by seawater intrusion.In Hopmans and Maurer potential regional-scale impacts of global climate change on sustainability of irrigated agriculture were examined, focusing on California’s western SJV.The modeling study analyzed potential changes in irrigation water demand and supply, and quantified impacts on cropping patterns, groundwater pumping and groundwater levels, soil salinity, and crop yields, based on General Circulation Model climate projections through 2100 and using three greenhouse gas emission scenarios.Crop water demand was expected to change very little, due to compensating effects of rising temperature on evaporative demand and crop growth rate.This simulation study projected that reductions in surface water supply are going to be offset by groundwater pumping and land fallowing, whereas soil salinity is expected to increase in down slope areas, thereby limiting crop production.The results also showed that technological adaptation, such as through improvements in irrigation efficiency, may partly mitigate these effects.Another recent computer modeling study for the Tunisian coastal region, simulated changes in coastal aquifer salinity and the associated increased groundwater pumping required to offset the increased irrigation requirements and soil salinity levels.Corwin evaluated various climate change impacts on soil salinity through analysis of various case studies in selected countries with different soil salinization processes with a focus on methods for monitoring soil salinity development.In addition to climate parameters affecting soil microbiological processes directly, specifically relevant as to their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions of CO2, N2O and methane by soil respiration and redox reactions, respectively, soil scientists are considering secondary soil salinity effects on soil microbiological processes.For example, Egamberdieva et al.reported reduced soil microbial biomass with increased soil salinity, comparing a wide range of salinity levels for field grown cotton in Uzbekistan where salinity has significantly increased after the expansion of irrigated agriculture in the 1960s.They suggested that the lower microbial population was caused by increased microbial stress by both osmotic and toxic effects.In a subsequent review article , the isolation of salt-tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria from both saline and sodic soils evidenced that these could mitigate both biotic and abiotic stresses.It is suggested that selected rhizobacteria can be inoculated to reclaim saline agro-ecosystems, enhancing their productivity and soil fertility.Furthermore, it is proposed to prioritize gene-level studies of ST-PGPR, parallel to that of seeking salt-tolerant crop species.Similarly, Shrivastava and Kuman proposed that microorganisms could play a significant role toward soil salinity stress management, and pointed to the need to further exploit selected unique properties such as salt tolerance and other interactions with crop plants such as the production of plant growth promoting hormones and bio-control potential.In the last decade,many different genera of bacteria have shown to provide tolerance to host plants under different abiotic stress environments.