However, we also observed upregulation of biosynthetic genes involved in production of trichothecenes , which indicates that F. acuminatum also relies on other toxins during infection of tomato fruit concordant with the classification of F. acuminatum as strong toxin producer . Additionally, the AA6 family that appears during RR infections of F. acuminatum and R. stolonifer may be involved in metabolism of host defense compounds. These enzymes are 1,4-benzoquinone reductases, which have been shown to function in fungal protection against destructive host-produced quinones . Another physiological factor which may influence the success of infection is the pH of the pathogen-host interface. As the tomato fruit ripens, the apoplast becomes more acidic . Furthermore, B. cinerea has been shown to acidify the host environment through the production and secretion of oxalic acid . A key enzyme in oxalic acid biosynthesis is BcOAH1 , which encodes oxaloacetate hydrolase . This gene is not upregulated during interaction with tomato fruit in any of the treatments. However, there is significant downregulation of this gene in RR fruit compared to MG fruit. This suggeststhat, if B. cinerea utilizes oxalic acid to acidify tomato fruit, it does so to a much lesser extent in RR fruit where the pH is already comparatively acidic. In contrast, during infection of Arabidopsis roots, F. oxysporum relies on alkalinization via peptides known as rapid alkalinizing factors . However, a BLAST search of RALF sequences, as was performed to identify fungal RALFs in Thynne et al. , square pot revealed no clear RALF genes in our transcriptome of F. acuminatum. The importance of fruit ripening for the success of fungal infections was confirmed by comparing fungal growth and disease development in fruit from wild-type and a non-ripening mutant after fungal inoculation.
Growth and morphology of B. cinerea, F. acuminatum and R. stolonifer on nor MG and RR-like tomato fruit was comparable to that on wild-type MG fruit. This result is in agreement with our previous report that nor tomato fruit is resistant to B. cinerea infections . The inability to infect non-ripening tomato fruit highlights the dependency of these fungi on the activation and progression of ripening events that transform the host tissues into a favorable environment for disease development. Altogether, our results confirm that infection success of the three pathogens B. cinerea, F. acuminatum and R. stolonifer largely depends on fruit ripening stage. This is due to all three pathogens sharing similar lifestyles and necrotrophic infection strategies. However, the capacity to infect different plant tissues differs between the three fungi. B. cinerea shows distinct strategies in both ripening stages likely due to its ability to induce susceptibility in the host , whereas R. stolonifer is active almost exclusively in RR fruit. The ability of F. acuminatum to infect both MG and RR fruit may be reflective of its especially wide host range, which includes insects in addition to fruit . A summary of infection strategies utilized by the three pathogens during infection of MG and RR tomato fruit is shown in Table 2. Further research on which processes identified are required for successful infection would lead to a greater understanding of fruit-pathogen interactions and, ultimately, strategies for their management.The tomato is a functional genomics model for fleshy-fruited species and is one of the most popular and economically important crops globally . However, storage at temperatures below 12.5°C followed by rewarming to room temperature, compromises fruit quality, hampering the post harvest handling of this commodity .
This cold-induced damage to the fruit called post harvest chilling injury may only be detectable as a loss of flavor, or in severe cases, as fruit spoilage, the extent of which depends on the storage temperature, length of exposure, genotype and fruit developmental stage . The progression of PCI in fruit tissues is complex. It is marked by a loss of selective membrane permeability, increased solute leakage, reactive oxygen species accumulation and metabolic dysfunction . After the fruit is transferred to room temperature for rewarming or reconditioning, higher respiration ensues within days , and within a week, secondary symptoms such as uneven color formation, surface pitting,water soaking and decay are visible . Symptoms are more intense in green compared to riper fruit, since maturation processes are disrupted by chilling . Because of the negative effect on tomato quality and shelf-life, our goal is to better understand PCI development and regulation in this species. First, we investigated the spatial and temporal evolution of PCI in the whole tomato fruit using MRI. Most studies of tomato PCI have focused on the pericarp, ignoring the internal tissues, which can account for 30% and 70% of the fresh mass of round and cherry tomatoes, respectively. Tao et al. , investigated changes in chilled ‘Micro-Tom’ fruit using non-invasive MRI. They showed that the columella and locular region differed from the pericarp in their response to cold, which has implication for understanding the underlying causes of PCI. The fruit in that study were subjected to a severe cold stress , since this genotype is not as sensitive to chilling temperatures as many commercial varieties . Further, only one developmental stage was chosen . It is not known if their findings are applicable to other cultivars, storage conditions or maturation stages. Second, we investigated if 5-azacytidine could alter PCI. This chemical inhibits DNA and RNA methylation , epigenetic modifications that regulate gene expression, in response to developmental and environmental stimuli in a tissue-specific manner .
DNA methylation is a key regulatory process for tomato fruit ripening ; injecting AZA in round tomato fruit accelerated ripening . It was shown that chilling-induced reductions in red fruit volatiles correlated with methylation of key ripening genes. Co-regulation of the ripening and cold response regulatory networks in fruit undergoing chilling stress seems likely . Since differential methylation is essential to both processes, we wanted to determine if AZA could influence PCI symptoms in tomato fruit. In this study, two questions were asked: 1) is it possible to detect spatio-temporal differences in chilled tomato fruit differing in maturation stage, and temperature × time of storage by low-resolution MRI?, and 2) would AZA influence PCI response? For the former, we used commercial cherry tomatoes and mild to moderate chilling stress. For the latter, fruit were injected with AZA weekly in order to detect changes in PCI by methylation , specifically on respiratory activity. Fruit from a commercial cherry cultivar and the functional genomics model ‘Micro-Tom’ were used in this study.At this developmental stage in ‘Sweet 100’, the pericarp, columella and locular tissue showed a differentiated pattern in terms of their D-values after 7 days of chilling . Values were highest in the pericarp followed by the locular tissue and columella. Similar patterns were seen in freshly-harvested breaker fruit . These three tissues have heterogeneous transcriptional and metabolic profiles due to their distinct origin and functionality . This likely contributed to the distinct D-values observed. When D-values for each region were compared as over each chilling period, no changes were observed except for the columella in fruit held at 5°C. Unchanged D-values may be due to cold-induced reductions in free water movement within tissues, and pectin solubilization . Fruit exposed to warmer temperatures, i.e., after storage at the control temperature for 7 days, or after transfer from the cold to 20°C, showed more dynamism in D-values. The different tissue fractions, which had distinct D-values during chilling, changed and became more similar when exposed to warmer temperatures . These non-chilling temperatures may have allowed ripening and other physiological eventsto take place, leading to these changes.Figure 3A shows the D-values of ‘Sunsugar’ ripened fruit. These data, gathered from breaker, pink, square plastic planter and red fruit immediately after harvest, suggest that as ripening progresses, the D-values of the columella and locular region become more similar . Ripening increases the proportion of free water and metabolites within tissues, due to liquefaction of the locules and breakdown of the structural components of the cell . These changes may have underscored the increased Dvalues seen here, and in other studies . A similar occurrence was seen when red fruit was stored at 2.5°C for 5 days . When D-values for each region were compared over time, there was no significant difference. Tissue liquefactionin red fruit was so extended as a consequence of ripening, that cold did not generate any detectable increase by the MRI, or did not increase membrane leakage since it was already fluid. The observations of pink fruit stored in the cold and then rewarmed are less clear. Both chilling-induced damage during low-temperature storage, and ripening-related tissue deconstruction during rewarming would lead to increased membrane permeability and Dvalues , thus making it difficult to attribute higher Dvalues to one or the other biological phenomenon.
There are some points to emphasize with respect to the data when analyzed across cultivars and conditions. First, pericarp D-values did not vary as much as those in the columella and locular regions . Second, there was a weak correlation between MRIderived values for the pericarp and the physical changes caused by cold, visible on the pericarp e.g., poor color development, pitting and decay as reported by the CII data . In contrast, there was more synchrony for the columella and CII which is similar to the data published by Tao et al. . Surprisingly, the locular fraction showed a similar r-value to the pericarp when CII was considered. Therefore, other mechanisms besides the increased water mobility we were able to detect under the experimental conditions used, may have a higher contribution to the development of chilling induced external symptomatology. Third, different D-values were recorded in the three tissues as ripening progressed: they decreased in the pericarp, increased in the columella and were unchanged in the locular tissue , exemplifying the unique response of each tissue-type. Fourth, MRI could only detect changes after transfer of chilled fruit to room temperature. Loss of membrane selective permeability due to a cold-induced membrane phase transition was not sufficiently advanced to produce detectable increases in free water mobility during cold storage. This supports the view that, increased membrane permeability is unlikely to be one of the earliest events in PCI response, but occurs at a significant rate during rewarming .Fruit undergoing PCI normally exhibit a transitory burst of CO2 when transferred from chilling to room temperature, which acts as a reliable marker for the early stages of cold injured tissue . If AZA-treated fruit show differences in respiratory activity after cold stress compared to the water-treated fruit, this could be indicative of an effect of methylation on PCI. Different responses were observed across varying cold stress in ‘Micro-Tom’ and ‘Sun Cherry’ and are described in turn.MRI was useful for detecting fruit ripening, its attenuation by cold, and fruit tissue specificity in the cold response. MRI non-invasively differentiated among tomato pericarp, columella and locular fractions. However, when fruit were scanned after reconditioning, or when at an advanced stage of ripening, these distinctions were lost. Chilling-induced damage was detected by the MRI in the columella but not in the pericarp and locular tissue. MRI scans in the columella throughout the experiment better reflected the CII. Cold stress likely repressed the mechanisms leading to fruit free water production or increased water mobility. AZA was used to determine if demethylation could modulate the effect of PCI in chilled tomato fruit. The effect of AZA on PCI was determined by many multilayered factors, e.g., genotype, severity of stress and how it influences the underlying ripening pathways. This complexity is probably a consequence of the ubiquity of epigenetic methylation on the genome and transcriptome and the multitude of factors that influence its status. Even though in some conditions, the effect of AZA was not detected, it does not mean that methylation is not important to PCI, since the phenotypes assessed probably do not reflect all methylated regulation of fruit gene expression.Strawberry is an important soft fruit crop that is grown worldwide on more than 370 000 hectares and, for the United States alone, the total value of the annual strawberry production exceeds US$2.3 billion . Strawberries are beneficial to the human diet as a source of macro- and micronutrients, vitamins and health promoting antioxidants . Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant with short stems and densely spaced leaves. Strawberry produces complex accessory and aggregate fruit composed of achenes and a receptacle .