We excluded hospitalizations that included liver transplantation , and used the cohort of those who did not receive liver transplantation as the primary cohort. The primary outcome was ODS at any point during hospitalization . Patient age, sex, race, etiology of liver disease, general medical comorbidities, complications of cirrhosis, and hospital outcomes including discharge disposition, length of stay, and inflation-adjusted total cost were also extracted as described in depth elsewhere. In brief, we identified specific complications of cirrhosis using discharge diagnosis codes ; we identified specific patient comorbidities such as congestive heart failure using the Clinical Classification Software; and identified paracenteses and thoracenteses with procedure codes. Charlson Comorbidity Index was used as a marker of general illness severity/degree of comorbidities, stratified into three groups: mild , moderate ,severe . Baveno IV consensus criteria was used as a marker of cirrhosis illness severity, where those with Stages 3 , and 4 represented decompensated cirrhosis. For descriptive statistics we presented categorical variables as percentages and continuous variables as medians with respective interquartile ranges . To compare characteristics between patients with vs. without ODS, we used Pearson chi-square test for dichotomous variables; non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis to compare categorical variables; and Wilcoxon rank-sum for continuous variables. We used univariable logistic regression to assess unadjusted odds ratios associated with ODS, square plant pot and used stepwise backward selection to determine the final multi-variable logistic model. Statistical analysis were performed using Stata .
In this investigation of the National Inpatient Sample, 2009-2013, we found that the prevalence of ODS in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis was extremely rare, and much lower than the prevalence reported in patients undergoing liver transplantation.2-6,8 Alcohol related cirrhosis, younger age, and female gender were associated with an inpatient diagnosis of ODS. Notably, markers for cirrhotic decompensation and severity of comorbid illness were not found to be associated with ODS. This included no evidence for an association with ascites, which ran counter to our hypothesis that those with portal hypertension might be at higher risk for ODS due to labile serum sodium levels during hospitalization. Our findings that those with vs. without ODS experienced longer hospital stays, higher hospitalizations costs, and increased chance of receiving a discharge disposition to somewhere other than home help to quantify the burden of ODS on the health care system. Furthermore, the increased health care burden and poorer outcomes we found in those with vs. without ODS provide additional evidence that we appropriately identified pronounced cases of ODS with our selection methods. We acknowledge our study’s limitations. As with all large database investigations, our results are susceptible to case ascertainment and measurement biases. While ICD-9 codes have been well-validated for the selected measures of cirrhosis and overall disease,7 ICD-9 codes for ODS have not been systematically validated. In particular, we cannot know whether subtler cases of ODS might have gone unrecognized in the hospital setting only to be diagnosed at outpatient follow-up upon review of MRI imaging. Our low prevalence estimate likely reflects this, underestimating the total prevalence of ODS by failing to detect these subtler cases. That being said, we aimed to capture clinically-apparent cases of ODS, for which ICD-9 coding would be most specific. Finally, our study was limited by a paucity of sodium level data.
Unfortunately, the NIS does not contain laboratory values, so we couldn’t associate serum sodium changes with ODS. Additionally, hyponatremia as detected by ICD9 coding has been demonstrated to be variable and often lacking, representing perhaps only one third of inpatients experiencing hyponatremia.9 Because of this, and because hyponatremia is already known as a major precipitant of ODS, we elected to focus our research questions on other risk factors beyond it.1 In conclusion, our investigation of a large nationwide database demonstrates that ODS is extremely rare, occurring in 0.02% of hospitalized patients with cirrhosis. ODS is associated with alcohol-related cirrhosis, younger age, and female gender. ODS is not associated with specific cirrhosis complications including ascites, nor with overall liver disease severity or general comorbid disease severity. These data may help inform management of hyponatremia in patients with cirrhosis by reassuring providers of the rarity of ODS, while reinforcing the consideration of a broad range of differential diagnoses in cirrhosis patients exhibiting altered mental status after hyponatremia correction.Cobalt monosilicide crystalizes in a chiral structure in the P213 space group inset. It has been intensely studied as a potential thermoelectric material due to its large power factor at room temperature. Recent theoretical works have found that CoSi and its isostructural siblings possess a chiral double sixfold-degenerate spin-1 Weyl fermion at R point and a fourfold-degenerate chiral fermion at Γ point in their Brillouin zone. These “new fermions” with large topological charges are connected by long, robust Fermi arcs on the surface which have been later confirmed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments. However, no transport properties of CoSi directly related to its topological nature have been reported until now. As far as we are aware, previous reported CoSi single crystals manifest relatively low carrier mobilities and no quantum oscillations have been observed in their electrical properties under magnetic field. It is difficult to bridge the transport properties with its topological band structure due to low sample quality.
Here we report our crystal growth and a survey of the electrical transport properties of single-crystalline CoSi. Tellurium was found to be an appropriate metal flux for the growth of CoSi which yields high-quality single crystals with large magneto-resistance and carrier mobilities. Although there is plenty of research work on the thermopower of CoSi, few of them have paid attention to its magneto-Seebeck and Nernst effect. Combining the high quality of our Te-flux grown samples and the sensitivity of thermoelectricity measurement, we are able to observe, for the first time, QOs in the thermoelectric signals of CoSi. By analyzing the QOs in magneto-Seebeck and Nernst signals at different temperatures and magnetic field directions, we reveal two spherical Fermi surfaces around the BZ corner R point, which is consistent with our density functional theory calculations. The extracted Berry phases of electron orbit equal zero, agreeing well with the scenario of −2 chiral charge at R point. We also found that the spin-orbit coupling induced band-splitting is lessthan 2 meV near the Fermi level and this result is one order smaller than our DFT calculations. We also report a large Nernst effect in CoSi due to the combination of high mobility and phonon-drag contribution at intermediate temperatures. As a consequence, a relatively large Nernst-Ettinshausen figure of merit of around 0.03 is achieved at 42 K in 14 T.Grape berries undergo a series of complex physiological and biochemical changes during their development that determine their characteristics at harvest . Genome-wide expression studies using microarray and, more recently, RNA sequencing revealed that berry development involves the expression and modulation of approximately 23,000 genes and that the ripening transition is associated with a major transcriptome shift . Transcriptomic studies characterized the ripening program across grapevine cultivars , identifying key ripening-related genes and determining the impact of stress and viticultural practices on ripening . This knowledge increases the possibility of exerting control over the ripening process, improving fruit composition under suboptimal or adverse conditions, and enhancing desirable traits in a crop with outstanding cultural and commercial significance . These genome-wide expression analyses were possible because a highly contiguous assembly for the species was produced ;this first effort used a grape line created by several rounds of back crossing to reduce heterozygosity, facilitating genome assembly . Though poor by current standards, this pioneering, square pot chromosome-resolved assembly served as the basis for numerous publications. However, the structural diversity of grape genomes makes using a single one-size-fits-all reference genome inappropriate . There is substantial unshared gene content between cultivars, with 8–10% of the genes missing when two cultivars are compared . Although many of these genes are not essential for plant survival, they can account for 80% of the expression within their respective families and expand key gene families possibly associated with cultivar-specific traits . Assembling genome references for all interesting cultivars is impractical, in part because its cost remains prohibitive and because of genomic features that impede the development of high-quality genome assemblies for any grape cultivar. Although the V. vinifera genome is relatively small and as repetitive as other plant genomes of similar size , it is highly heterozygous . Most domesticated grape cultivars are crosses between distantly related parents; this and clonal propagation cause the high heterozygosity observed in the species . Earlier attempts using short reads struggled to resolve complex, highly heterozygous genomes . A limited ability to call consensus polymorphic regions yields highly fragmented assemblies where structural ambiguity occurs and alternative alleles at heterozygous sites are excluded altogether . Single Molecule Real Time DNA sequencing has emerged as the leading technology for reconstructing highly contiguous, diploid assemblies of long, repetitive genomes that include phased information about heterozygous sites . Recently, we used Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon to test the ability of SMRT reads and the FALCON-Unzip assembly pipeline to resolve both alleles at heterozygous sites in the genome .
The assembly produced was significantly more contiguous than the original PN40024 assembly and provided the first phased sequences of the diploid V. vinifera genome . Despite recent advances in genome reconstruction methodologies, assembling a complex plant genome is still costly. Transcriptome reconstruction is the only alternative strategy to depict known and unknown gene content information . De novo assembly of RNA-seq reads is widely used for this purpose . SMRT technology was recently deployed to investigate expressed gene isoforms in a variety of organisms, including a handful of plant species . Long reads delivered by this methodology report full-length transcripts sequenced from their 59-ends to polyadenylated tails , making Iso-Seq an ideal technology for reconstructing a transcriptome without a reference genome sequence and without assembling fragments to resolve the complete isoform sequence . Moreover, alternative transcripts that contribute to the gene space complexity and vary with cell type , developmental stage , and stress cannot be definitively characterized without full-length transcript information. The objective of this study was to test whether full-length cDNA sequencing with Iso-Seq technology is a suitable alternative to traditional genome sequencing, assembly, and annotation for reconstructing a grape transcriptome reference for transcriptional profiling. We compared how Cabernet Sauvignon’s Iso-Seq transcriptome fares as a reference for RNA-seq analysis vs. its annotated genome. We sequenced the full-length transcripts of ripening berries with Iso-Seq and Illumina RNA-seq reads. The high-coverage short-read data were used to profile gene expression and to error-correct low-expression isoforms that would have been otherwise lost by the standard Iso-Seq pipeline. The transcriptome reference built with Iso-Seq data represented most of the expressed genes in the grape berries and included cultivarspecific or “private” genes. When used as the reference for RNAseq, Iso-Seq generated transcriptome profiles quantitatively similar to those obtained by mapping on a complete genome reference. These results support using Iso-Seq to capture the gene space of a plant and build a comprehensive reference for transcriptional pro- filing without a pre-defined reference genome.Grape berries from Cabernet Sauvignon FPS clone 08 were collected in Summer 2016 from vines grown in the Foundation Plant Services Classic Foundation Vineyard . Between 10 and 15 berries were sampled at pre-véraison, véraison, post-véraison, and at commercial maturity. Table S1 provides weather information for the sampling days. The ripening stages were visually assessed based on color development and confirmed by measurements of soluble solids . On the day of sampling, berries were deseeded, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and ground to powder . Total RNA was isolated using a Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide -based extraction protocol as described in Blanco-Ulate et al. . RNA purity was evaluated with a Nanodrop 2000 spectrophotometer . RNA was quantified with a Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer using the RNA broad range kit . RNA integrity was assessed using electrophoresis and an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer . Only RNA with integrity number greater than 8.0 was used for SMRTbell library preparation. One mg of the pooled RNA was used for cDNA synthesis and for SMRTbell library construction using the SMARTer PCR cDNA synthesis kit . First-strand cDNA synthesis was performed using the SMRTScribe Reverse Transcriptase . Each developmental stage was individually barcoded . To minimize artifacts during largescale amplification, a cycle optimization step was performed by collecting five 5 ml aliquots at 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 PCR cycles.