Further research on the economics of all measures—as well on as their applicability to different production practices—is needed to assess their cost effectiveness at individual plants. This Energy Guide also presents a brief overview of selected emerging energy-efficient technologies, which have recently been developed or commercialized and hold promise for reducing energy use in the U.S. fruit and vegetable processing industry in the near future. While the focus of this Energy Guide is on energy efficiency improvement measures, a chapter on basic, proven measures for plant-level water efficiency is also provided in recognition of the importance and rising costs of water as a resource in the U.S. fruit and vegetable processing industry. Water savings can also lead to energy savings through reduced demand for water heating, treatment, and pumping.To enable easy access to information, this Energy Guide is organized into chapters that focus on specific areas of opportunity for energy and water efficiency. Chapters 6 through 12 are focused on cross-cutting energy efficiency measures, which are defined as energy efficiency measures that are applicable across all manufacturing industries. Table 5.1 summarizes the cross-cutting energy efficiency measures presented in this Energy Guide and the respective chapters in which the measure descriptions appear. After a brief overview of corporate energy management programs in Chapter 6, this Energy Guide focuses on the following cross-cutting industrial systems, which are of particular importance to the U.S. fruit and vegetable processing industry: steam systems, motors and pumps, compressed air systems, large round pot refrigeration systems, building systems and self generation.Changing how energy is managed by implementing an organization-wide energy management program is one of the most successful and cost-effective ways to bring about energy efficiency improvements.
Continuous improvements to energy efficiency typically only occur when a strong organizational commitment exits. A sound energy management program is required to create a foundation for positive change and to provide guidance for managing energy throughout an organization. Energy management programs help to ensure that energy efficiency improvements do not just happen on a one-time basis, but rather are continuously identified and implemented in an ongoing process of continuous improvement. Without the backing of a sound energy management program, energy efficiency improvements might not reach their full potential due to lack of a systems perspective and/or proper maintenance and follow-up. In companies without a clear program in place, opportunities for improvement may be known but may not be promoted or implemented because of organizational barriers. These barriers may include a lack of communication among plants, a poor understanding of how to create support for an energy efficiency project, limited finances, poor accountability for measures, or organizational inertia to changes from the status quo. Even when energy is a significant cost, many companies still lack a strong commitment to improve energy management. The U.S. EPA, through the ENERGY STAR program, works with leading industrial manufacturers to identify the basic aspects of effective energy management programs.17 The major elements in a strategic energy management program are depicted in Figure 6.1. Other environmental management frameworks, such as ISO 14001, can be used to complement energy management programs to ensure optimal organizational management of energy.
One ENERGY STAR partner noted that using energy management programs in combination with the ISO 14001 program has had a greater impact on conserving energy at its plants than any other strategy. A successful program in energy management begins with a strong organizational commitment to continuous improvement of energy efficiency. This involves assigning oversight and management duties to an energy director, establishing an energy policy, and creating a cross-functional energy team . Steps and procedures are then put in place to assess performance through regular reviews of energy data, technical assessments, and bench marking. From this assessment, an organization is able to develop a baseline of energy use and set goals for improvement. Performance goals help to shape the development and implementation of an action plan.An important aspect for ensuring the success of the action plan is involving personnel throughout the organization. Personnel at all levels should be aware of energy use and goals for efficiency. Staff should be trained in both skills and general approaches to energy efficiency in day-to-day practices. Some examples of simple tasks employees can do are outlined in Appendix B. In addition, performance results should be regularly evaluated and communicated to all personnel and high achievement should be rewarded and recognized.For example, ConAgra Foods has recognized outstanding employee contributions to energy efficiency as part of its corporate Sustainable Development program since 1993. Each year, several ConAgra production facilities are given a monetary award for outstanding plant initiated projects that led to energy savings and other environmental improvements.
The monetary awards are used by the production facilities as charitable donations to their communities for local sustainability projects. In addition to providing its employees with recognition and incentives for continuous improvement, ConAgra’s Sustainable Development program has also reduced facility operating expenses by over $60 million since 2000 . Evaluating progress on the action plan involves a regular review of both energy use data and the activities carried out as part of the action plan. Information gathered during the formal review process helps in setting new performance goals and action plans, and in revealing best practices. Once best practices are established, the goal of the cross-functional energy team should be to replicate these practices throughout the organization. Establishing a strong communication program and seeking recognition for accomplishments are also critical steps, as both areas help to build support and momentum for future activities. A quick assessment of an organization’s efforts to manage energy can be made by comparing its current energy management program against the ENERGY STAR Energy Program Assessment Matrix provided in Appendix C. Frito-Lay, a manufacturer of snack foods headquartered in Plano, Texas, implemented a comprehensive corporate energy management program in 1999 that has led to energy savings of 21% across its 34 U.S. facilities and saved the company more than $40 million in energy costs to date . Key components of this plan include: the designation of three tiers of energy management personnel , capital budgets that are designated exclusively for energy efficiency improvements, annual energy budget target setting for each site with weekly performance tracking, and an annual energy summit for continuing education, sharing of success stories between facilities, and awards for top performers . Internal support for a business energy management program is crucial; however, support for business energy management programs can come from outside sources as well. Some utility companies work together with industrial clients to achieve energy savings in both existing facilities and in the design of new facilities. Recently, Mission Foods, a California manufacturer of specialty Mexican foods, worked with Southern California Edison to design its new production facility in Rancho Cucamonga to be as energy efficient as possible. By employing energy-efficient technologies for motors, HVAC systems, compressors, and lighting throughout the facility, Mission Foods was able to reduce the electricity consumption of its new facility by roughly 18% compared to its existing facilities. Annual energy savings of over $300,000 per year were achieved . Facility audits can be another particularly effective form of outside support. In a recent audit carried out by U.S. DOE Industrial Assessment Center staff at an Odwalla Juice Company facility in Dinuva, California, big round plant pot energy efficiency opportunities were identified that would reduce annual energy costs by $268,000 and annual energy usage by 15% with an average payback period of just 20 months .In forming an energy team, it is necessary to establish the organizational structure, designate team members, and specify roles and responsibilities. Senior management needs to perceive energy management as part of the organization’s core business activities, so ideally the energy team leader will be someone at the corporate level who is empowered by support from senior-level management. The energy team should also include members from each key operational area within an organization and be as multi-disciplinary as possible to ensure a diversity of perspectives. It is crucial to ensure adequate organizational funding for the energy team’s activities, preferably as a line item in the normal budget cycle as opposed to a special project. Prior to the launch of an energy team, a series of team strategy meetings should be held to consider the key initiatives to pursue as well as potential pilot projects that could be showcased at the program’s kickoff. The energy team should then perform facility audits with key plant personnel at each facility to identify opportunities for energy efficiency improvements. As part of the facility audits, the energy team should also look for best practices in action to help highlight success stories and identify areas for inter-plant knowledge transfer.
A key function of the energy team is to develop mechanisms and tools for tracking and communicating progress and for transferring the knowledge gained through facility audits across an organization. Examples of such mechanisms and data tools include best practice databases, facility bench marking tools, intranet sites, performance tracking scorecards, and case studies of successful projects. Corporate energy summits and employee energy fairs are also effective means of information exchange and technology transfer. To sustain the energy team and build momentum for continuous improvement, it is important that progress results and lessons learned are communicated regularly to managers and employees and that a recognition and rewards program is put in place. A checklist of key steps for forming, operating, and sustaining an effective energy management team is offered in Appendix D. Energy monitoring systems may include energy sub-metering at the component, equipment, or process level and can be used to track various end uses of energy over time for energy efficiency improvement analysis. These systems can play a key role in alerting energy teams to problem areas and in assigning accountability for energy use within a facility. Furthermore, energy monitoring systems can provide useful data for corporate greenhouse gas accounting initiatives. Energy monitoring and metering systems can also help companies participate in emergency demand response programs, in which utility companies provide financial incentives to customers who reduce their energy loads during peak demand times. S. Martinelli and Company, an apple juice manufacturer based in Watsonville, California, installed an energy monitoring system that provided it with real-time data on peak demand and energy consumption. This system allowed them to participate in a demand response program of their local utility. S. Martinelli also uses their system to verify electric and natural gas bills against their actual measured use as a cost control measure, as well as to track facility performance in system optimization efforts .Boiler process control. Flue gas monitors maintain optimum flame temperature and monitor carbon monoxide , oxygen, and smoke. The oxygen content of the exhaust gas is a combination of excess air and air infiltration. By combining an oxygen monitor with an intake airflow monitor, it is possible to detect even small leaks. A small 1% air infiltration will result in 20% higher oxygen readings. A higher CO or smoke content in the exhaust gas is a sign that there is insufficient air to complete fuel burning. Using a combination of CO and oxygen readings, it is possible to optimize the fuel/air mixture for high flame temperature and lower air pollutant emissions. Typically, this measure is financially attractive only for large boilers, because smaller boilers often will not make up the initial capital cost as easily. Several case studies indicate that the average payback period for this measure is around 1.7 years . At Glanbia Foods, a dairy product manufacturer in Lockerbie, Scotland, the installation of a boiler control system reduced annual boiler fuel consumption by 5% . At the J.R. Simplot Company potato processing facility in Caldwell, Idaho, the installation of new burners equipped with process controls and a flue gas trim system led to significant annual savings in natural gas consumption. The Caldwell facility produces approximately 270 million pounds of frozen French fries each year and uses steam in its potato peeling, blanching, and frying operations. In 2003, new burners, flue gas oxygen analyzers, flue gas recirculation ducts, and boiler controls were installed on two boilers during plant outages. Natural gas consumption was reduced by 7.5%, resulting in cost savings of $279,000 per year and a payback period of around 14 months . Reduction of flue gas quantities.