Some algae have a quite narrow temperature optimum, whereas others can show good growth over a wide temperature range . When choosing a location for algae cultivation, temperature conditions should be taken into account with a location having temperatures as stable as possible not only from day to night but over seasons. Low temperatures exert an obvious dampening effect on metabolic processes although the magnitude of cold inhabitation varies greatly among species . However, it must be recognized that temperature changes not only over the day and from day-to-day, but also with seasons . Stable night temperatures improve microalgae biomass production due to the balance of night respiration. Respiration during the night leads to biomass loss reducing productivity, and the rate of respiration is affected by temperature . Many other factors temperature control of microlgae in cultivation has other significant affects on biomass production. The major physical stimuli are temperature and light intensity;the former, can modify the fatty acid composition by increasing the unsaturation with the decreasing temperature and vice versa 4×8 flood tray. Water is in abundance throughout many parts of the world, but finding locations with plenty of sunlight and ample water with suitable salt levels is not so common.
To provide the algae cultures with enough water for adequate growth,a water source or sources is needed near the designated site that is capable of maintaining a water supply based on the capacity of the algal production system. Microalgae are microscopic photosynthetic organisms that are found in both marine and freshwater environments . Some species of algae have the ability to tolerate a wide range of water salt levels. Some algae exhibit an excellent ability to tolerate high salt concentrations . Cultivating micro algae can often result in the utilization of water that otherwise has poor potential. One of the important factors that set algaebiomass production technology apart from technologies reliant on terrestrial crop production is the ability of algae to utilize water of poor quality, unsuitable for crop production, which usually means brackish and high salinity inland waters and ocean sea waters .Accessing and evaluating these issues is a critical part of an industry such as growing microalgae for biofuel food stock. One of the intentions of this industry is to minimize environmental damage such as reducing carbon emissions which in turn leads to global warming. This is according to recent report that estimates the world pumped 39.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air last year by burning coal, oil and gas See Figure 2 .
This figure is the result of a very fast growing dependence on fossil fuels that started its rapid climb in the 1950’s. See Graph page 23. But care must be taken to ensure that the industry itself does not create its own environmental problems and every attempt must be taken to produce and process microalgae with minimal impact to the local and greater environment. Amongst these cautions the selection of land is vital to ensure land is not used that could be better utilized. To avoid selecting a site with conflicting land use, it was important to identify areas that were not previously developed or used for a more economically viable use . As the world’s population increases there will be a greater demand for biofuels but also an increased demand for land as food production. Food verses fuel is the dilemma regarding the risk of diverting farmland or crops for liquid biofuel production to the detriment of the food supply on a global scale. Many other factors play an important part in the location selection criteria some of which can change frequently such as politics, ebb flow tray local economic conditions,availability of expertise and probable regional environmental issues.Any form of industry or agricultural process has some potential environmental issues. Accessing and evaluating these issues is a critical part of an industry such as growing microalgae for biofuel food stock.
Additional criteria for potential open pond micro algae production systems sites is that the land should benon competitive, non-sensitive, and sparsely populated . One of the intentions of this industry is to minimize environmental damage such as reducing carbon emissions which in turn leads to global warming. Global climate change is also the major environmental issue of our time . But care must be taken to ensure that the industry itself does not create its own environmental problems and every attempt must be taken to produce and process microalgae with minimal impact to the local and greater environment. Microalgae cultivation for biofuel production can potentially be carried out on marginal land and thus wecan reduce the competition for land and may open up new economic opportunities.